Me, moving forward...

So this is all about me! 2006 is my year, the year I'm gonna move forward from my problems & the rut I'm been stuck in. I got some stuff to sort out & some ambitions I wanna make happen. Hope you can join me for the ride...

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

2006 - The New Improved Me!

So the new year is here and along with it all the usual New Years Resolutions that are made specifically to be broken, or so it seems each year. This year is going to be different though. This year I AM going to change. Not because I have been told to or because I feel I ought to but because I really really WANT to. That is the only way I reckon you will truly succeed at changing - if you actually want to.

I have set myself one main objective for 2006 and I am gonna have mini objectives through the year, maybe monthly, maybe weekly, maybe even daily - I'll see how things pan out. But my YEAR objective is this

Make things happen
You see, I think so many people sit around waiting for life to knock on the door. Well I've been guilty of that in many ways but not this year! I have a list of things I want to do before I die (and I'm not saying I'm planning on doing them all this year!) I wanna make some of those things happen this year.

So wish me luck... x


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey bud!
Where'd this come from its wkd?! Dude, my ex's parents were like top business people and they reckon their success all stems from doing dream books where u stick photos and write stuff that u wanna achieve and when uv done it u can check it off. Theirs were things like 50,000 quid cars! but do a 2006 one and stick photos in of you in 2003 and before-and use that as a guide to becoming the fab TA that we all know and love! I used a pic of me when i started uni and was all skinny to help me lose weight and it worked! And, forget men-they're all pigs! Whenever ur down dont give up, giving ups easy and then when u do finally get where u wanna be it makles it so much better. Trust me, Ive spent 9 months in RAF training and i still question why im here when things get fucking hard but i know that despite how i feel then i know when things are good, they're really good so u just have to be patient and be strong. Oh yeah...and listen to Labre Saffre "something inside so strong" its the best motivation song in the world.
Mate Im so sorry, i had no idea u felt so shit, its awesome tho that ur on the up and got all ur shit in one sock as it were!
Good luck! if u ever wanna chat feel u go on msn?
Miss ya bud Sianxxx

16/3/06 6:37 pm  

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