Wasn't November boring?
After a hectic start to the month it was all pretty dull from the 12th to the 30th with the exception of a couple days.

The next day of any interest was Wednesday 22nd when , just for a change, John & I went to the cinema (!) This week was the turn of the new Bond movie, Casino Royale with the amazingly GORGEOUS Daniel Craig! We went to The Meeting House (the other Weatherspoon's pub in town) Before we went into the pub though we went and had a gawp at a crash that had taken place on the roundabout at the end of the road. There were police cars (with very unorganised policemen in them!) ambulances and TWO fire engines (two fire engines = twice as many fireMEN!!) We thought we were going to see use of the Jaws of Life to cut a chav out of one of the cars involved but the paramedics kept inconsiderantly getting in the way so we retreated to the pub for food! We had a very nice meal with quick service unlike last time we went to the Meeting House when we waited an hour for out starter! We then wandered up to the Picture House for the film which was brilliant. I had heard mixed reviews but I loved it. I thought it really set up the whole Bond story and Daniel Craig makes a great Bond in my humble opinion. People keep moaning that Bond cant be blonde but lets look at this logically - Bond has been Scottish, Irish, English....so why can't he be blonde? We have, obviously, reviewed on the joint blog.
The final day of interest in November came on the last Sunday of the month when Clare & I went to Johns for Sunday lunch cooked by John's fair hand since he had got the COOK with Jamie (Oliver) book for his birthday - thanks Hev!
There was a slight mix up between me and Clare regarding travel plans - I offered to pick her up but as I received no reply I went directly to John's then Clare rang to say she was waiting for me and where was I? Not to worry, she made it by herself. John cooked a lovely veggie pasta dish of 'upright cannelloni' which was yummy (altho definately looked more presentable BEFORE serving than after when it just looked a mess!) and for pudding we had Eton Mess which was, again, yummy, all finished off with coffee which I got for John as part of his birthday present. We then sat and chatted for hours, browsed the internet, listened to the dodgy songs on the Amateur Transplants site; home of the London Underground song. Clare brought her Chirstmas presents with her too since we won't see her again before then. It was a really nice day.
That was basically it for November, we didn't go to the cinema the following week since I had a totally shit day at work, more on that later but basically I had such a headache and felt physically sick by the end of the day so I just headed home for an early night.Roll on December....roll on CHRISTMAS! Woo!
That eton mess was yummy - yummy yummy in my tummy (at least a third of it anyway!)
Pudsey has NEVER growled! How dare he!
The new bond in indeed fantastic! Shame I missed the end at the cinema though! Seen it now though!
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