Race for Life

So I did it then! I completed the 5km course in about 40minutes which isn't too bad (average walking pace is 15mins/mile) I only walked but I'm still proud of myself for taking part. I raised a fair bit of money so thats good. Thankyou to all who sponsored me, my website is operational for a couple more weeks if anyone else wants to donate.
There were over 4800 women entered to take part just in this one event so across the country the women of the UK must have raised a small fortune for Cancer Research. So WELL DONE TO ALL WHO TOOK PART.
There was lots of sad stories there and I seemed to be crying most the way around. You see, everyone had a pink square to pin on the back of their shirts saying I Race for Life for... then they wrote the names of the people they knew who had been effected by cancer. One particularly moving one was an older lady, probably in her early 60's, holding hands with two young girls around 7 & 10. On the ladies back she had I Race for Life for my Daughter and the two girls had I Race for Life my Mummy. God, that just broke my heart. My Aunt died of cancer back in 1998 as did my Nan and Carla, a girl from school, had Hogkins Lymphoma as a teenager. Cancer touches the lives of so many people I feel please that I have helped, all be it in a small way, to work towards finding a cure.
Below are a few more photo's from the day that I thought I would share with you.

The Runners setting off. I was not one of these mad peoples - I was purely a Walker!

Some people just have to make it harder!! I'm not sure whether they managed to complete the course still tied together - this was really near the start & apparently they had already fallen over twice!

This is me (and a whole lot of other people!) just 1 km from the finish, still marching along!
Muchos congratulationos
Well done TA! T'was a fantastic achievement, roll on London Marathon 2007!!!!
Woo for you - well done on all your fundraising, and more than doubling your target amount! Have you got a charity of choice for London '07????
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