Hmm, Friday was a weird day. Lyn & I were filling forms to enter the team for an Excellence in Business award at the Major Business Convention and I saw a mail flash up on Jamie’s computer from Vicki. I’m not going to go into details but it wasn’t nice. It really riled me; here was us stating on a form that we were a happy team with high moral and good team spirit and part of the team was acting like a total child. The endless bitchy atmosphere sucks. It really put me off the idea of the team night out we had planned for that night too. After speaking to Mum about it though I decided I wasn’t going to let one immature little girl ruin my plans so I got my glad rags on and headed out to meet the others.
The final attendees were; Me, Shayne, Gemma (who didn’t eat, just joined us for drinks) Jamie, Vicki, Amy, Carol, Jenna, Lyn & Lyn’s husband, Ray. We met at the Waterfront on the Quay for Pizza and Drinks. I had planned not to drink
but that soon went out the window when I bought a bottle of wine! The food was great (me and Shayne split a duck pizza and a portion of chips) and amazingly the atmosphere was really good. Steve Williams popped in at 10ish for a quick drink. Then me, Shayne, Gemma, Jamie, Vicki and Amy headed on to Arena for more drinking and dancing. Em, Lisa & Phil were already there when we arrived and we all danced ourselves silly. I made a move at about 1.30 (when I left Amy had her head down the toilet – classy!) I ended up having a really good night.
Yesterday I was up early and Grandma gave me a lift to the Quay to pick up my car and I popped into Matalan and got a couple new tops. The rest of the day was devoted to the strenuous activities of finishing HP5, starting HP6 (the Half-Blood Prince) oh, and sleeping! And yup, today has involved much of the same! Hard life! day!
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