Today was all sorted when I got up –I was on 10-6, so I could help mum do the horses, get home, get read and then spend some time reading my book before going into work for 10am. Things started to unravel when my bloody car wouldn’t start. I think I left the CD player on pause since I got home from Clare’s yesterday so the battery was a flat as a pancake. Grandma gave me a lift into work but I still didn’t get in til 11. Crap! I mailed Claire who I used to carshare with when I got to work to see if I could have a lift home. The response I got – “My boyfriend is picking me up so I have to ask him if he minds” Nice, thanks. Given that I took Danny home for her the other day so she could go straight to Dawlish but never mind. As it was I didn’t need a lift anyways as I had to go into town to meet John.
I was mighty pissed off when I walked out the door at 6pm just as the B Bus pulled away so I had to march
over to the Park & Ride. The bus there seemed to just sit there for AGES while I watched the time tick by. I got off the bus near the Vue at the top of town and then marched full pelt down the middle of town to the Picture House and got there for 6.40 which wasn’t bad I thought! We used John’s complimentary tickets from when they screwed up Ghostbusters (I would just like to say – I got nothing!) We went to see The Queen with Helen Mirren. I really liked it, it was a good film and it bought back a lot of memories from when Princess Diana died; the public mourning, the flowers, the funeral. They used a lot of archive footage from the news reports from that time in the film. And best of all for the night? We didn’t get locked in!
Well done TA for your power walking! All you need is some pink weights, and then you could be just like Harold from Neighbours!
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