Woo!!! I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited that JK Rowling has finally announced the release date of the 7th and final book in the Harry Potter series! I even have a countdown calendar on my desk at work where I can cross of the days not to mention the flashy one I have added at the top of here!
I have been re-reading the 5th book – Order of the Phoenix – in preparation of the 5th film coming out on the 13th July, which I was excited enough about but now….well, what can I say?! I have been threatening to hunt Rowling down and beg, kick and scream until she told me what was going to happen but now, thankfully, I won’t need to!
I have to say though, as pleased I am to have a date and as much as I can not wait to read it I am a bit apprehensive about what is going to happen. I mean, are we going to see Sirius again? Is Snape really loyal to Voldemort or the Order? Are Hermione and Ron finally going to get together?! And the most important question of all – is Harry going to die?
What ever happens, all I can say is…
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