So this is all about me! 2006 is my year, the year I'm gonna move forward from my problems & the rut I'm been stuck in. I got some stuff to sort out & some ambitions I wanna make happen. Hope you can join me for the ride...
Vomitty week!
This hasn’t been best week of the year so far which given there have only been three is saying something!
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were fine – I had both days off work and spent Sunday and Monday sorting crap in my room (and there is SO much crap in there!) Pretty boring days but it needs doing.
Tuesday was Mum’s birthday. I hadn’t told Mum I had the day off work, originally I had planned to take her for lunch but since she finally booked to go to the day spa & use her voucher that we bought her when she left Shell I thought I would surprise her instead. So, I got up normal time & left the house as if going to work (although nearly got let down as I lost track of time and by the time I left the house I would have been late for work if I had been going there!) Anyways, instead of heading to Sowton I went into town and settled myself in Starbucks with a coffee & a croissant to read my book for a while. Mum was due at the spa for 11am so at about half 9 I headed down to the florist in the Guildhall and arranged to pick up a bouquet of flowers in an hours time. I then wrote her card, wrapped her present and generally stayed out of t
he way in case she arrived early and saw me! Just before 11 I went into the spa; flowers, card & gift in hand; and explained to the lady there that I was hoping to surprise Mum when she arrived. They were very nice and let me sit in their relaxation room out of sight with a coffee and a magazine to wait for Mum. When she arrived I went out and she was definitely surprised! Actually, she was touched; I hadn’t even wished her a Happy Birthday before I left in the morning so she thought I had forgotten so it was lovely for her to realise that, No, her daughter is not an insensitive cow after all! She had a really lovely day spa-ing and I carted her flowers home since i had my car & she was on the bus!
Unfortunately the rest of the week sucked. I had horrendous stomach pains and spent a lot of the week throwing up which was nice……not. I did use the time to re
ad the new book in the Hannibal Lecter series – Hannibal Rising. It’s all about Hannibal as a child and young man, sort of an explanation as to why he becomes the person he does. It wasn’t the best book I’ve ever read but quite good. Apparently the film is out soon so I shall see what it looks like. I have never watched the other films but this, based on the book, shouldn’t be too bad. As for the sick, I was a bit worried about yesterday as we (me, dad, mum & courts) had tickets to the South Hams Motor Club Dinner & Dance at the Dartmouth Golf & Country Club. I was feeling a bit better as the day went on so I went and I braved the food & it was lovely. The drinks were through-the-roof expensive so we stuck mostly to the water on the tables. Dad won loads of trophies (although one of the engraved ones had the wrong name on it so they took it back to get it changed!) When we left I thought it was about 10pm but it was actually nearly midnight so I suppose it must have been a good night for time to go so quickly.
Today has been another lazy day, went into town for a bit but didn’t get much…typical Sunday really. Don’t want to go back to work tomorrow but needs must! At least I get a bit of a lie in since I’m on 10-6 tomorrow.
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