...except me! I have a coldy thing - bleugh!
I was back in work on the 2nd to find more changes - Shayne is no longer working with me on the mobile contracts, he has been moved to another part of the team & I am looking after the contracts on my own (well with Steve's help but you know what I mean) The working week was pretty uneventful though.
John & I went to see The Prestige at Picture House FINALLY! We have been waiting to see this film for SO SO long but it just hasn't been on nearby. It was so worth the wait though. So so SO worth it! A truely brilliant movie. Brilliant cast, brilli
ant story, brilliant acting, BRILLIANT! More to the point Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman - GORGEOUS! Arrrrrrr!!! We walked back to the car talking it through - did I mention brilliant?! Definately a contender for my Top 5 of 2007. Shoe-ins are likely to be Pirates...3 and my most awaited film of '07 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Monday was Claire from works 20th birthday and she had arranged a night out in town....dressed as pirates! Yup thats right - a pub crawl, in fancy dress on a MONDAY! Never gonna happen, nah ah, nope, no way! Paul bullied Jamie into going along and Jamie bullied me so I collared John but none of us were dressing up. She had text about a million times reminding people it was all happening, 7.30pm. Me & John arrived early to eat (they were meeting at Weatherspoons) I suppose we got there about 7.25pm, Paul arrived at 7.45 and Jamie at about 8...Claire and co finally decided to make an appearance at 8.25 - only an hour late then. It has to be said our plan of NO
T dressing up was the right one - there was about 4 of them dressed up, Claire & her boyfriend had gone all out. It was shockingly bad I have to say! We didn't stay long; I was feeling rough, Paul has to get up at stupid o clock and Jamie just didn't want to be there. John was easy but leaning more towards leaving so that's what we did - we left. Well we had shown our faces, she can't complain. As part of my New Years Resolutions I have joined the gym at work. Well, I say I have but thats not entirely true. I applied to join, I made an appointment for my induction, I went to my induction. I was then told that I had high blood pressure so couldn't continue with the fit test part of the induction until I had consulted my doctor for him to give his consent for me to carry on and exersize - what tosh I feel. Anyways I went to my doctor yesterday and, after waiting 40 minutes to get in to see him (I was 10 minutes early but he was running half an hour behind!) I explained the situation to him. He tutted at the ridiculousness of it and the fact that, in some cases, to be told that your blood pressure is 160/99 is going to cause great concern to people. As it was he took my BP and got a reading of 137/76, wrote the letter and all was well. I felt quite guilty about wasting his time but at least now I can get on with it gym wise. Give it a couple months and I will be unrecognisable with my new fit figure!!
Mock the pirates... MOCK THEM!
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