So this is all about me! 2006 is my year, the year I'm gonna move forward from my problems & the rut I'm been stuck in. I got some stuff to sort out & some ambitions I wanna make happen. Hope you can join me for the ride...
Oh What A Night
Last night was really good; I met up with Nat at Kelly’s flat at about half 7 armed with a bottle of wine. Kelly had decided she wasn’t coming out and didn’t fancy a drink so me and Nat polished off the wine between us before heading to Butlers, The Ship and then down to the Quay (much to my protests – I wanted to go the Arena but Nat wouldn’t let me!) We had a couple drinks in Waterfront and then went in to Riva. We got in for free
since Nat knows the manager. It was pretty dead in there but they had a cheap vodka deal on so not to worry! We bombarded the DJ with requests for dodgy music (namely STEPS!!!) We danced the night away, eventually getting our wish when the DJ played 5,6,7,8! This basically cleared the dance floor too except me and Nat who happily line danced along!! Ah, the memories of our misspent youth! I finally left Nat with some other people at just before 2am (meaning the bloody Chinese was shut when I got there so I had to settle for a cheeseburger from the burger van!) It was nearly 3 in the morning when I get home and crashed into bed. Had a brilliant night tho…
Waking up at 7.30 this morning was just unnecessary though! I got up, had a cup of tea, read yesterdays paper and then went back to bed for a couple hours! Other than that I have been to Sainsbury’s but that would be it! Getting up uber-early tomorrow to help Mum with the horses so the plan is to get an early night tonight…we’ll see!
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