Well another week gone and already we are in March.
John went up to Gatwick this week for his assessment interview with EDF for their graduate scheme on Tuesday / Wednesday. I think it went OK from what he's said so fingers crossed. He made it home on Wednesday in time for the cinema in the evening so we went to see Bobby at the Picture House. It had SO many people i
n it - it was like a who's who of Hollywood; Emilio Estevez, Anthony Hopkins, Demi Moore, Sharon Stone, Christian Slater, Martin Sheen, Heather Graham, Helen Hunt, Ashton Kutcher, Harry Belafonte, Joshua Jackson, William H. Macy, Lindsay Lohan, Elijah Wood and so it goes on! The film follows the last day of Senator Robert F. Kennedy on June 6th 1968 and how it effected the people around him who were at the the Ambassador Hotel where he was killed. It used a lot of archive footage from the Kennedy campaign trail and at the end there were lots of family photo album pictures showing Bobby with JFK as kids then in the years when JFK was president. It's safe to say the Kennedy family was not a lucky one. Anyway John is due to review it on the joint blog so pootle over and have a look.
I had Thursday off and went to the Westbank Centre in Exminster to find out more about their Young Carers Volunteer Program. They arrange activity days and trips for young people aged from 3 to 18 who have some kind of a caring role at home. It seems like a great program and I'm really keen to get involved. Dad had to go into hospital on Thursday too - he's been getting chest pains and stuff so they put him in the treadmill (his heart was fine but he leg hurt!) and they tested his colesteral (which was high) and weighed him (he's overweight) so he i now supposed to be on a health kick cutting back on fats and exercising more...we're waiting to see if this happens but given that he is currently eating thick slices of white bread topped with Fussels condensed milk (having just had eggy bread, sausages & bacon for brunch) I'm not seeing him being successful.
Friday night was the work Major Business Convention at the Sandypark Rugby club. I wasn't too fussed about going after the last convention in October (which was
crap) but I had my new, now de-tagged dress to wear so I went! When we arrived there was a red carpet with fire spinners, women on stilts & photographers before we even went in the building! Inside there was a drink reception with a champagne fountain (so cool!) then we had a three course meal which was lovely. I had Mozzerella & Tomato Salad followed by Chicken Breast with herby potato and veg, all topped off with a wedge of cheesecake, which although lovely was a little bit too sweet. There was free wine on the tables and we all had 4 drinks vouchers each for the bar. After the meal Jim Bowen of Bullseye fame did a bit of stand up and then helped with the award presentations. I tried to get some photos of him but I was too far back to take any that weren't just a blur! O well! After all the speeches and that were done there was a poker table and a roulette wheel in the next room along with.....wait for it....A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!!! Woo! Had I know that was gonna be there I wouldn't have eaten my cheesecake! There was so much choice as to what to dip too...oh it was like heaven...there was marshmallows, turkish delight, strawberries, profiteroles, fudge, mini doughnuts...SO GOOD! Lisa, James & Amanda were collared by one of the photographers to pose for a picture with the fountain (a side version of which I do have its just on the other puter so I shall add it at some point) There was also music from Hermins Hermits then a disco. Grandma picked me up at about 11.30 since my knee was hurting but I had a really good night. Hopefully I'll get some more pics uploaded when I get them from Gemma & Jamie!
Today has been a regular Saturday namely I have done nothing! Marion & Steve came over in the evening and we all kept running outside to watch the Lunar Eclipse but otherwise a lazy lazy day!
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