I am doing the Race for Life in aid of Cancer Research UK again this year on Sunday 29th July at Westpoint in Exeter and this time I will be joined by Mum & Courtenay.
We are looking to raise a massive £375 between the 3 of us so DIG DEEP and help us!
We have set up a 'Sponsor Me' webpage where you can sponsor us online using your credit of debit card or alternatively you can contact us and do it the old fashioned way, by cash or cheque.
Cancer effects so many thousands of people each day, not just those diagnosed with this horrifying disease but the families and friends of those people. Our family has lost people to cancer - my great-nan (BigNan) and my Auntie Jen both fought hard against cancer but unfortuneately lost their fight in the end. My Dad's cousin, Malcolm, has recently been diagnosed with liver cancer. My friend Carla from school beat Hodgkins Disease when we were still at school. Just look around at your friends and family - how long does it take before you see someone who has been effected by cancer, either directly or indirectly?
So, please help us raise as much money as possible for Cancer Research UK. Visit our sponsorship page by clickling HERE or get in touch to donate offline.
Thank you!
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