The Summer is Back!
YAY! After weeks of almost constant rain the sun finally came out yesterday and it is still here today which has made me super-happy! After work today Mike came up to mine and we went to Dawlish Warren for an evening. It was really busy when we got there but we walked along through the dunes to the bottom end of the beach then back along the beach. I built a “JOHN” in the sand in memory of, well, surprisingly, John! Mike labelled a post (don’t ask!) and we then wandered on in the direction of food. We ate fish & chips sat on the grass then watched the sun set over the dunes. It was possibly the nicest evening I have had in years. It was great to be outside, by the sea, playing in the sand, laughing like kids, eating outside and all with no hassles. I loved it and I can safely say I loved Mike for giving me such a great evening. :-D
and then there was no more....
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