So this is all about me! 2006 is my year, the year I'm gonna move forward from my problems & the rut I'm been stuck in. I got some stuff to sort out & some ambitions I wanna make happen. Hope you can join me for the ride...
Looking forward to the weekend
I’ve had a relatively quiet couple of weeks since the Bank Holiday – been to t
he cinema to watch Spiderman 3 (really good!) been chatting to Chris Simmons (from school) and Graham Dance (from the rallying type peoples) on MSN then gone and got a cold-flu type thing which is nice. Spent all last weekend in bed trying to get rid of said cold-flu thing. Well I did go to Johns for dinner on Friday evening and then slept through Casino Royale on DVD! And Saturday afternoon I went into town for a drink with Gareth but it made me feel so drained. That’s been pretty much the story for this week actually – living on lemsip and getting through a staggering amount of tissues trying to clear my cold ready for this weekend…
ME & JOHN ARE GOING TO VISIT CLARE! Woo! Really looking forward to it!
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