Me, moving forward...
So this is all about me! 2006 is my year, the year I'm gonna move forward from my problems & the rut I'm been stuck in. I got some stuff to sort out & some ambitions I wanna make happen. Hope you can join me for the ride...
The Summer is Back!
YAY! After weeks of almost constant rain the sun finally came out yesterday and it is still here today which has made me super-happy! After work today Mike came up to mine and we went to Dawlish Warren for an evening. It was really busy when we got there but we walked along through the dunes to the bottom end of the beach then back along the beach. I built a “JOHN” in the sand in memory of, well, surprisingly, John! Mike labelled a post (don’t ask!) and we then wandered on in the direction of food. We ate fish & chips sat on the grass then watched the sun set over the dunes. It was possibly the nicest evening I have had in years. It was great to be outside, by the sea, playing in the sand, laughing like kids, eating outside and all with no hassles. I loved it and I can safely say I loved Mike for giving me such a great evening. :-D
Yet Another Busy One!
Having a life is tiring I’ll have you know!
The past three days have been proper busy…well except yesterday but that is not the point!
Friday was our fundraiser day at work in aid of Cancer Research UK. It kept me busy all day long what with being in work for 7am and not leaving until 4.20pm I was really kinda shattered by the end of it all. However it was all for a good cause so I let that go. We had arranged a “Think Pink” dress down day so I was in so early to set up and then be ready to collect donations on the door from 7.30 as people arrived. We then had a cake sale and “Guess the Name of the Teddy” competition (she ended up being called Martha!) which basically took the rest of the day to finish off. I had help from a few of the other girls in the office and between us we collected over £600 for Cancer Research.
Friday evening Mike & I went down to Exmouth with Nat, Kelly & Will for Kelly’s 27th birthday. Lets just say Exmouth failed to deliver on the amazing night out front! In fact at half 12 we decided to go back to Exeter to go to Riva! One (rather quick!) drive back to Exeter later and we all headed into Riva which sadly was also crap! Grr! We decided that it is what you make it though so we hassled the DJ, danced and had a laugh. It turned into a cool night out and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Oh, and today is exactly one month since Mike & I met :-D He is THE most amazing guy I have ever had the pleasure to meet and I am so SO happy that I am with him. Long may it continue!!
Given that we didn’t get to sleep til well gone 4 in the morning Saturday was basically a write-off of laziness! We talked crap, slept, talked some more crap and generally had a great, lazy Saturday! In the evening we did eventually venture outside, to the Vue to see the new Transformers movie. I didn’t mind it – there were cars (I like cars!) they turned into stuff (that’s pretty cool!) they blew stuff up (I’m all about the blowing stuff up!) all tied up with a few neat one liners and a cute guy in an army uniform. What more do you need from a film?! Accuracy apparently according to Mike! It was a bit like me with the HPV movie – he didn’t like the discrepancies and therefore didn’t like the movie! Oh well!
Today though has been a far from lazy day. Today was the Race for Life at Westpoint. Me, Mum, Courts & 8 other girls from work were taking part so we have been out there most of the day. We arrived at just gone 9, had our faces painted (just little hearts on our cheeks!) got balloons and took part in the mass warm-up before completing the 5km course in 50 minutes exactly. Just like last year, the atmosphere was amazing and I really enjoyed it. We raised a stupendous amount of money for Cancer Research too so all in all a thoroughly successful day.
The Simp-sons!
Last night Mike & I went to the Vue to see the Simpsons movie. I have been really looking forward to this film and it lived up to expectations. The first half of the movie was better than the second since it was kind of a gag-a-minute (plus it had SpiderPig!!) but the whole thing totally stood up to being made into a feature film. LOVED IT!
I stayed at Mikes last night and (since he is beyond lovely) he dropped me home this morning in time for me to get showered and dressed and into work for 8 – thanking you!
Had this afternoon off which was good since I felt really rather woozy so slept most the afternoon then went to Makro and bought MANY cakes ready for our cake sale tomorrow at work. Looking forward to it!
Busy weekend, very little sleep!
Well, it’s over. I have waited over two years (2 years and 5 days in fact!!) for the final instalment in the Harry Potter series and now it is all over. :’(
On Friday night I had an evening out with Mike & two of his mates, Nick & Tom, for Mike’s birthday. We went to Harry’s for dinner which was really nice and then we went to The Ship for a couple of drinks. I was kinda nervous about the night, in part because of the agonising pain I had been in all week but mostly because I am always nervous about meeting people and then we were going out for food too and eating in front of people freaks me out! But I needn’t have worried. His mates were nice and it was a cool evening, really easy and no pressure. The whole night got SO much better though…
At about 11.30 (after managing to maintain my excitement quite well I felt!) we made our way to Waterstones to join the queue for the most hotly anticipated book of 2007! The guys were really good to wait with me, I thought they were likely to disappear off back to the pub but they didn’t and we queued up with me getting more and more excited! I finally had my prized possession, my copy of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows in my little mit by 12.20 and we were on our way back to Oke…quickly!
I read for about an hour until I just had to give into sleep (getting no sleep Thursday night due to agony = no sleep meant staying awake all night didn’t happen!) I was awake again at 6.30 though and reading reading reading! I basically read all day and I loved it! Needless to say I managed to get it finished before the weekend was out! I won’t go into details (although I am thinking everyone has read it by now!) but I loved it! Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t a perfect round up to the series but it is a good book all the same. Was a bit slow moving in the middle and I am not 100% sure about the final bit but there we go, it’s how JK Rowling chose to finish it so so be it. I personally feel there is definitely room a book 8 but I am thinking I may left wanting ☹ Oh well! Yay for HP! Need to re-read it now though since I read it so quickly I think I missed bits! I’ll leave that a while though me thinks.
Saturday night was taken up with marshalling in the Devon countryside for Exmouth Motor Clubs rally which started from Kennford. Me & Dad were out all night but, other than me nearly falling in a ditch (just for a change!) and it being a bit cold at times it was a good night. The rain held off and we were kept busy before heading back to the hotel in the morning for breakfast then home to bed! Mike & Nick came 4th and Graham & Roger won so not a bad night. I grabbed a few hours sleep on Sunday morning and went down to see Mike in the evening.
Today it has rained…lots! Me, Courts, Julie, Rach & Little Man went to Paignton Zoo for the day and we got soaked. It was a real shame as it just didn’t ease up until the second we walked back to the car. Oh well, we had a good day anyway, saw the animals, had a picnic and Little Man seemed to enjoy himself.
Now it’s all about getting warm and getting some sleep me thinks!
Please Do Not Disturb!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows…Oh.My.God!
It is SO close!
Another weekend, another weekend spent with Mike (surprise surprise!) No, it wasn’t like that, I read HP while he worked on the car then we had an early night since he was off to London for the day on Sunday while I went to Bishop to visit Clare as she is home for a couple days. We had a cool afternoon, watched Chocolat, drank smoothies (which I managed to get straight down my jumper!) ate nibbles then had a roast! Yum yum! It was really good to see Clare and we had a laugh. I felt SO full when I left though! In fact I felt positively Pooh Bear like!
The rest of the week was kinda weird. I have had a totally owy pain in my chest since Tuesday afternoon to the point of almost crippling me. I was fine Monday night (which I spent at Mikes which was in one word A-MAZE-ING…or alternatively Orange!) but by Tuesday evening I had this pain. I thought it was maybe stress at work making me feel like it but on Wednesday night we went to the cinema (to see Die Hard 4.0 – a lot of blowing stuff up and people who seem to refuse to die – all good in my eyes!) problem was I nearly collapsed in pain. I could hardly breath, was having hot and cold flushes and was majorly sick when we got out of the screen. Nice. Mum thinks it is indigestion, I think I am dying! However I only had a half day yesterday so I have been eating Rennies & Gavascon and feeling sorry for myself!
Today got the day off and it is Mike’s birthday. We are going out tonight with two of his friends for a meal and a few drinks…and then it will be midnight! Oh, I can’t even talk about it!!
Bring on tomorrow!!!
It’s here!
Tonight I went with Mike to see my most anticipated movie of this year. Maybe even my most anticipated movie of the last two years! Not quite my most anticipated release of this year (that’s next week!)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
I was SO excited about this film. Like SOOOOOOOOOOO excited! And something awful happened…I don’t think I like it. :’( :’( Shocking I know!
I knew that there was going to be a lot missing that is in the book since HP5 is the biggest book but what they left in was too inaccurate. Well it was in my eyes. And it felt like the only one for the films so far that the film makers seem to have made fully assuming that everyone in the audience had read the book. I can’t knock them for it being an impressive film with some cool effects but still not what I had in my head. Not by a long shot.
Anyway I am going to go and see it again after next week when I have got the books out of my system so I can see if I can watch it as a separate entity from the books and actually like it!
We’ll see!
Another great few days!
Last weekend I spent nearly the whole weekend with Mike, I went to his after work on Friday and decided I couldn’t wish to meet a nicer guy! He listens to what I say even when I am just talking random rubbish and he takes it in and he does nice things. Namely he bought me roses. And DVDs! We had a conversation the other day that basically most peoples opinion of me is wrong and I just want to love & be loved & wanted all that romantic stuff that everyone seems to think I don’t. Like, someone buying me flowers just because or someone taking me out for the day to somewhere they think I would like or away for a weekend that I haven’t had to plan. And then we moved on and were talking films and looking on and I had said there was a box set I might get. So then when I got to his house he had bought me flowers for no reason and the DVD Boxset I had seen. How nice?! Anyway the evening was beyond amazing and it just got better as the night went on…
I had to be up early and back in Exeter for 9am to help Grandma & Grandad with the cottages again but then Mike came and picked me up at lunch time and we went up to Meldon Reservoir and spent a few hours up there in the sun. It was lovely. I have never met anyone who is SO easy to talk to. We can just talk and talk about absolutely nothing to be honest but it is totally great.
In the evening we went into Exeter to meet up with Nat & Kelly and a few others. Mike only stayed for a quick drink then headed home while the rest of us made our way into town for more drinks (and chips for me – I was starving!) before ending up in Riva. Thing is I wanted so much to spend the night with Mike that I didn’t drink…and went back to Oke after I went home. ☺ It meant that Sunday was great all over again! We had a lazy day and watched the Grand Prix.
The rest of the week so far has been pretty Mike themed too! He is all I can think about 24/7. I am smiling all the time and I love it! Even the crappy weather isn’t bringing me down that much! Yay!
The only problem with being this disgustingly happy and my mind being constantly full of Mike, Mike, Mike is that the HP re-read is suffering something chronic!
My Little Sister is Growing Up :’(
Tonight was Courts Leavers Ball from school and she looked simply stunning.
I helped her with her hair & make up and she wore a great Monsoon gown. She decided she wanted to arrive in style so, as something a bit different, we took Meera down to the hotel (Mum had plaited her mane & tail and put red & white flowers in her mane) and Courts rode her from the horse box round to the front of the hotel. In her ball gown and her heels. She looked so SO stunning. I cried! I was totally touched by it all.
Rach arrived in Cannons wrecker and looked nice in a pinky-purply dress. Actually they mostly all looked nice. There were lots of limos and posh cars and even a fire engine but I really think Courts stole the show. I am so proud of her. I can’t believe she has finished school, it makes me feel really old!
A great weekend!
Firstly I am disgustingly happy right now! Like, REALLY disgustingly so!
Friday night I saw Mike again. He picked me up from home and we went to Vue to see Shrek 3. We ended up being sat next to Amy Cole from work & her boyfriend. The film was cool (there were flying, fire breathing, baby donkeys!!) and seeing Mike again was just brilliant. We went to Wetherspoons for a drink after the film and then back to my house to watch a DVD…well I say watch…the DVD was on!
Saturday morning I helped Grandma & Grandad clean the cottages which, whilst being quite hard work, was cool. In the evening I headed down to Mikes place in Oke. We just talked and kissed for hours before watching Gone in 60 Seconds on DVD (with his very cool projector, not that I am jealous!) And then…well then I spent the night. No, it was not like that! It was nice, waking up knowing he was there and I was going to see him again straight away. We spent the day just hanging out. We went for a walk along the river (in the rain…with no coat!) Being with him is just so cool. Fingers properly crossed that it all goes well. Well, KEEPS going well coz this is an amazing start.
When I got home from Mikes I got changed to go to Dawlish since today is Little Man’s 1st Birthday. However I never got that far since as I was coming back down the stairs the damn dog pushed past me, took my legs out and I cracked into the stairs! Ow! So I ended up lying on the sofa with an ice pack and a hot-bean thing on my arse…classy!
But, even with the pain in my arse (!) I have had a totally great weekend.