Me, moving forward...
So this is all about me! 2006 is my year, the year I'm gonna move forward from my problems & the rut I'm been stuck in. I got some stuff to sort out & some ambitions I wanna make happen. Hope you can join me for the ride...
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
My OTHER VERY Intelligent Friend!!
Congratulations Clare!!
My other best friend, Clare, has recently got her degree results & she did very well. She got a 2.1 and I am very proud of her too!
Clare, John & I went out for a meal on Friday night. We went to Old Timers Wine Bar in Exeter and the food was lovely. We have been there once before but the portion sizes were so big we only ate about a third of our main courses so this time we were better prepared! For one we ate much slower & stopped short of stuffing in the last little bit of our starters and then we picked smaller mains, well me & Clare did (in fact Clare had another starter!) but John had an Olympic Burger which was huge (a mere Commonwealth burger would've been more than sufficient! ;-) ) Clare & I even managed dessert - I had Summer Fruit Pudding & Clare had Chocolate Cheesecake. They were both really nice.
Anyways, we had a lovely evening. It was strange thinking that soon Clare will be living off in Sailsbury & John is off for an interview for a job in London so he'll be off soon too. I'll be all alone!
So, Good Luck John! Hope interview goes well.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
TWENTY TIMES A LADY - Book Recommendation!

Every one MUST read this book!! Well, every one who is not easily offended & likes a cracking bit of ChickLit! Then you have to visit Karyn Bosnak's blogsite & tell her what you think! - Visit Karyn's page!
My VERY Intelligent Friend!

Congratulations John!!
On Monday I went up to Coventry with John & his family for his graduation ceremony. I was so proud of him. He looked really smart in all his robes even though he was sure he looked a dick! The weather was a bit of a downer - really warm & rain on and off - but it could have been worse. It's the first time actually that I have regretted not staying at college & going to Uni but, well, can't be changed.
Anyway, well done again John & good luck with everything now. Love you! xxx

Race for Life

So I did it then! I completed the 5km course in about 40minutes which isn't too bad (average walking pace is 15mins/mile) I only walked but I'm still proud of myself for taking part. I raised a fair bit of money so thats good. Thankyou to all who sponsored me, my website is operational for a couple more weeks if anyone else wants to donate.
There were over 4800 women entered to take part just in this one event so across the country the women of the UK must have raised a small fortune for Cancer Research. So WELL DONE TO ALL WHO TOOK PART.
There was lots of sad stories there and I seemed to be crying most the way around. You see, everyone had a pink square to pin on the back of their shirts saying I Race for Life for... then they wrote the names of the people they knew who had been effected by cancer. One particularly moving one was an older lady, probably in her early 60's, holding hands with two young girls around 7 & 10. On the ladies back she had I Race for Life for my Daughter and the two girls had I Race for Life my Mummy. God, that just broke my heart. My Aunt died of cancer back in 1998 as did my Nan and Carla, a girl from school, had Hogkins Lymphoma as a teenager. Cancer touches the lives of so many people I feel please that I have helped, all be it in a small way, to work towards finding a cure.
Below are a few more photo's from the day that I thought I would share with you.

The Runners setting off. I was not one of these mad peoples - I was purely a Walker!

Some people just have to make it harder!! I'm not sure whether they managed to complete the course still tied together - this was really near the start & apparently they had already fallen over twice!

This is me (and a whole lot of other people!) just 1 km from the finish, still marching along!