Me, moving forward...
So this is all about me! 2006 is my year, the year I'm gonna move forward from my problems & the rut I'm been stuck in. I got some stuff to sort out & some ambitions I wanna make happen. Hope you can join me for the ride...
Monday, August 28, 2006
Bank Holiday Weekend
So its the Bank Holiday, the last public holiday til Christmas (How gay is that!?!) Anyways, I worked Saturday morning and two hours Sunday morning but had the rest of the day off.
I went out for Sunday lunch with Clare, John & John's cousins Adam & Troe. They have just moved over from Canada since Troe has a job in Poole and they are visiting with John for a few days before she starts work.
We went to 'The Jack In The Green' near Rockbeare. It was a gorgeous meal, a bit pricey but ideal for a speciaoccasionon whicyesterdayay was, what with it being Clare's Birthday+1 (!) and also our last meal out with the three of us all living in Devon. I had Roasted Plum Tomato and Red Pepper Soup with Vodka Creme Fraiche, followed by Battered King Prawns with Chilli and Mango Salad, all finished off with a totally yummy Raspberry Brulee. Yum Yum Yum!! After food we sat and talked and laughed for hours (no really - we arrived at 12.30 and left at nearly 4pm!!) Troe & Adam were really nice and we all just chatted away. As John was driving they dropped me home once we finally left the Jack and they all piled out the car to have a bounce on the trampoline!
Had to work this morning but only til half twelve then Yvonne & I went to lunch at the Beefeater across the road from the garage, very nice.
All in all not a bad Bank Holiday weekend.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Two days off in one week - aren't I lucky?!
Spent today doing bollock all, just how days off should be spent I feel!
Courts & Mum went to a horse show with Mira (the Moose!) Courts got a 6th in the coloured class since Mira was being...well, a Moose! She wouldn't canter so she got marked down. She then got a clear round jumping but then the day went a bit down hill - Courts fell off. She was doing the practice jump and her stirrup leather snapped & Courts came straight off. She landed on her elbow but other than a few bumps and bruises (and a painful elbow obviously) she seems fine now. Pissed off with Mira but fine otherwise!
Right I am off for food. Working all week but only TWO WEEKS left at Shell!!! Can't wait!
DVD & catch up with John - Back from Canada
John is home from Canada so I went down to visit this evening for a catch up. I needed to get out of the house or I was going to go mad but it had to be a cheap (read FREE!) evening so we decided to have a photo viewing & DVD watching evening at Johns. John invested in carrots & dorritos (for dipping!) since I really am beyond skint. He had some great photos of his new found Canadian family and the places he visited, all viewed on his snazzy iBook!
We then went DVD watching and John introduced me to some quality film-cheese in the form of Britney Spears' movie debut - Crossroads! Classic!! You get the feeling its a bit of a Coyote Ugly ripoff but classic all the same!
We then watched the Big Brother Final - YAY FOR PETE! Also YAY for Cutie-Pie Glyn! He came second but he really deserved it. He was a total sweety, you couldn't help but love him, he was so niave & said the dumbest things in total sencerity! John only watched the very first show, when the contestants went in so he wasn't as into it as me but never mind.
Pootled home bout 11-ish since I had to start work at 6am Saturday morning but had a good night.
First Day off in 24 DAYS!
14.08.06 Today is the first day off I have I have since the 20th July. Oh role on September when I have EVERY weekend off! Spent the day sleeping so a totally wasted day. I felt really shite all day, had a headache and my stomach was doing weird crampy things. But then working three weeks in a row I'm guessing makes you tired!
Job Interview No. Two
03.08.06 Got a letter from Robin this morning - I haven't got the job as manager at Kennford although he has given me a job as Yvonnes assistant at Countess Wear...nice. I'm not proud of it but I sat down & cried when I found out, I was just so confused. I really dont know why I didn't get it, there was no feedback in the letter. But - positive out look required since I have another interview this evening. I've applied to work in the Major Business Accounts Dept at EDF Energy. I finished off what needed doing at the garage and then went on full scale preperation for this evening!
I got myself a new outfit (a dress no less!!) got washed, dressed & preened and did a bit of research on the company. On arriving at the interview I nearly chickened out - there were 17 other people there! Minds were soon set at rest though when we were told that we weren't competing for roles - if we were all deemed successful we would ALL be taken on. The evening was split in two parts - first we went off for practical assessments involving an Excel exercise (Really crap - couldn't remember anything!) a letter writing exercise (that was OK - I write a good letter!) and a fake phone call (piece of piss!!) The second part of the evening was taken up with the actual interview. There were two people, taking turns asking questions & writing. The last part of the evening was a Group Discussion. I think I presented myself well in that - didn't talk too much, tried to include the quieter members of the group & was nominated by the group to present to the assessers at the end of the discussion!
All in all I think it was quite good. That said I thought the Shell thing was OK but I didnt get it but then again in all honestly I DONT WANT TO WORK AT SHELL!!! I want a life again! I nearly fell off my chair when they were telling us the hours today. Its a maximum of 40 hours a week, Monday to Friday, 8 hours a day between 8am-6pm with a possibility of having to do one Saturday in four. But get this - if you work a Saturday its a shorter day & they then give you a day off during the week to make up for it!! No evenings, no random phone calls, no Sundays, no Bank Holidays, no Christmas!
Job Interview No. One
01.08.06 So today I had an interview with Robin for the Managers job at the garage. I think it went OK but who can tell. Thing is, I really don't know that I WANT the job, problem is I need A job but I'm not sure it should be THIS job. However it would be a good building block, something for the CV to help me get on up the career ladder. O well, either way I'll know by the end of the week.
Movie night!

27.07.06 BRILLIANT!!! Went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 with John at the Picture House cinema tonight. Totally brilliant film. I love the Picture House cinema for quality viewing - it's got the bestest, comfy seats (suede effect, big cushiony jobs with decent leg room!) a bar upstairs (although their mojito cocktail wasn't great but cool music not to mention free cheesey nibbles on the tables!) and yummy popcorn. Their aircon was a tad extreme tonight though and we were say right under the vent in not enough clothing - t-shirt = John, vest top = Me. By the end we were in serious need of jumpers, in fact John virtually folded himself into his bag by the end of the film!
The coldness did not detract from the fact that this is one of THE funniest films I have seen in ages. Johnny Depp is HILARIOUS! In fact they're all REALLY great. I want to see it again NOW! Hurry up DVD! And hurry up Film 3!
Exercise is bad for you - fact!

26.07.06 My arse! My poor, poor ARSE!!! For some reason I felt it would be a good idea to cycle to work today. It wasn't. It was a bad idea, a very bad idea. Granted, it only took me 15 minutes to get there but it then took me a further 15 minutes to be able to breath properly again & stop wanting to vomit & it was at least 30 minutes later again that I could stand up with out feeling like I was going to fall straight back down! Bleugh! I must admit I felt I had achieved something thought (sad, I know!)
Anyways, it was all fine in the end. Well, that is until it was time to go home...hmm, cycling home should be easier right? Wrong. I could NOT sit on the evil EVIL bike seat so standing up was in order. Hmm not too bad, not until I had to actually pedal a little bit!! Apparently someone had sneakilly inserted self heating metal pokers into my tighs during the day which, when pedalling was required, would heat to burning state in milliseconds. Once again - EEEEEVVVIIIIILLLLL!!!
I intend to stick with it though. I will be cycling to work again, I'm sure. I'm just not sure when...