New Shoes!!!

Aren't they gorgeous?! Grandma got them for me for my birthday! I love them!
So this is all about me! 2006 is my year, the year I'm gonna move forward from my problems & the rut I'm been stuck in. I got some stuff to sort out & some ambitions I wanna make happen. Hope you can join me for the ride...
I thought I had today all planned - up early to take my car down to a garage in Newton Abbot to have the brake discs & pads replaced while I had a wander around N'Abbot before I picked my car back up again then back to Exeter to go into town for a browse & an opticians appointment.
Another Orange Wednesday, another movie! John and I went, once again to the Picture House, this time to see a foreign film called Unveiled. I don't think it was really John's cup of tea, more his glass of wine (and if you knew how John felt about wine you'd realise how he felt about this film!) I thought it was quite good, a bit slow but I think that was down to the subtitles really.
I can't get over how much I've been doing and the fact that what I am doing is NOT working 24/7! Since starting at EDF and thus finishing at Shell I have been keeping myself busy. Sure, I've had a fair few lazy evenings crashed out watching TV but do you know just how great that feels when for nearly 2 years I have been working nearly every weekend & most evenings?!
On Wednesday night John & I utilised my Orange Wednesdays 2-4-1 cinema ticket & went to see The Black Dahlia at the Picture House.
On Tuesday night me & Courtenay went up to Birmingham to see McFly in concert (again!)
They did a really good set with a good mix of stuff from the first, second & new albums. They didn't sing their Queen cover but I'll get over it! They had a beach theme to the stage layout - their new album is called "Motion In The Ocean" They had surf boards, a beach bar (where they had a load of fans come & sit while they did a medley of first album songs - me & Courts weren't among them...GRRR!)
Danny had a new 'hairstyle'...hmm! He basically looked like he had had a shower then suddenly realised he was meant to be on stage & didn't have time to drench it in gel & make it straight & flat. He looked decidedly like Richard Fleeshman (Craig from Corination Street) He also looked a bit like a wet spanial but never mind!
Dougie was on fine form, talking random crap & jumping around like an idiot looking like he was having a great time. He brought up Poo once again (it seems to be a favourite subject of his - he was going on about 'Poop' last year!)
Last year Harry's drum kit raised up & spun (slowly) round. This year it came up & out over the audience on a big hydraulic ram whist he banged away and strobe lights flashed at him. All quite impressive I was slightly concerned for him as it was leaning forwards at a rather dodgy angle! Courts reckoned I'd have been lying flat on the floor hanging onto the ram since I hate hights! Harry is definately my favourite of the McFly guys...I know he's a bit young but seriously, I wouldn't say no!!
Tom reminds me more & more of a guy I know every time I see him. He had a rather snazzy blue piano that was wheeled out a couple times for...well,piano-y type moments! No offence to Tom but he's probably my least favourite of the four boys. I'm not sure why, he's quite sweet really but nope, just doesn't so it for me!
I really am a 13 year old trapped in a (nearly!) 23 year olds body!! The place was filled with little kids & teenagers with the only adults being parents of the aforementioned...and Me! I really do like them though, they're so cheesey and its good sing-a-long stuff.
And the absolutely classic moment of the concert - they sang the Ghostbuster theme tune! Brilliant!!
So I am now in my third week at EDF Energy. Its going...well. I suppose! Its still early days and if I'm brutally honest EDF do not excell at well organised injuctions. In all the pre-employment gumph I got from the company, along with what we were told at the assessment evening, all new starters would go straight into a training programme lasting between 2 and 6 weeks depending on which post you had been hired for. That has not been even close to what has happened.
Yay! Sold my McFly Tickets. Didn't make a fortune but better than having two redundant tickets lying around...except now there's a problem with my paypal account. I cant log in namely to get my payment! Having hassled Paypal I have been told I have to re-register and that as long as I use the same email address I'll still get the payment. So fingers crossed!