Me, moving forward...
So this is all about me! 2006 is my year, the year I'm gonna move forward from my problems & the rut I'm been stuck in. I got some stuff to sort out & some ambitions I wanna make happen. Hope you can join me for the ride...
Exeter Food & Drink Festival
I went with my Nan to the Food & Drink Festival in Exeter Northenay gardens today. We met up with Nan's sister, her daughter & daughters other half. Apart from the rain it was a really good day out. I managed to catch some of Michael Caines cookery demonstration (its weird watching him cook - he only has one arm!) My head chef, Spencer, did his training at Gidleigh Park with Michael Caines and then worked for him at the Royal Clarence. So its all his fault that Spencer expects so much from us! There were loads of lovely food stalls all selling lovely looking things and most of them had free tasters - yummy! I picked up a couple bits and lots of inspiration. Saw loads of things I'd have loved to have bought but all a bit expensive. I also had a 'floaty' moment when Matt (a guy who used to chef at the Billy & was at the festival doing demonstrations for Exeter College) introduced me to Michael Caines as "Spencers prodigy"! I was so chuffed when he said that Spencer was really pleased that I was staying on and Michael said that he must really think something of me to leave me running the Pastry. A mega confidence boost I can tell you (although the pressure is now on to love up this!)Last night I went out for a meal with Nat, Kelly, their dad & their grandad to say "Have a good time in Egypt" to Nat since she's off tomorrow. We went to the Hotel Barcelona and the food was lovely - I had a Spring Vegetable Risotto with Fresh Seared Scallops (SO yummy!) then 1/2 a Vanilla Creme Brulee & 1/2 a White Chocolate & Vodka Mousse (me & Nat couldn't decide on desserts so we split half & half!) The brulee was nicest but the whole meal was really nice. Even better when you consider Nats dad paid! We then went on to Riva, a new bar thats opened on the Quay where Hothouse used to be...hmm, well the idea is there but the execution is off! It looks really good inside but they're moto is "Urban Chic By The River" and I don't think Exeter is ready for Urban Chic in Hothouse!! Its ridiculously expensive & a bit poncey so cant imagine I'll be rushing back, think I'll stick to Boogies - Urban Cheese By The River - LOL !!
About time too
I have finally got around to starting my training for Race for Life!
I was up reasonably early today and after taking the dogs over the field and rescuing Courtenays dumb horse from the fence I walked home really pissed off at the state of my trainers (lots of rain + field = lots of mud) I decided I ought to vent my pissed off-ness. As it really is a little early in the day to get drunk I got changed into sporty looking stuff and marched off up the road instead! I power walked to the motorway bridge and back with is about 2kms and it took me roughly 15 minutes so that's all good. I didn't dawdle along, I really marched. It was more like hard work on the way back as the anger had dissipated so I had to make myself march rather than stroll! I am planning to do the same thing on Friday then again on Sunday; every other day is my plan as you may have worked out! I am then planning to attempt to run (yes that's right RUN!!!) Not all the way - don't want to frighten myself - I plan to walk to the top of the hill then run 1 minute / walk 1 minute to the bridge and back to the top of the hill then walk back to home. I have 14 weeks until the actual day and I would love to be able to run the whole thing so fingers crossed.
This development into actually pulling my finger out and doing some training does mean I expect the sponsorship to start rolling in now hint hint!!!
Its a tough life!
So not a lot more to report since last week, its a tough life this not working lark!
I have realised how much cheffing interferes with my reading - I used to get through an average of 2 or 3 books a week before I started at the Billy but since November I've read more like 3 books in total never mind each week! But in the last 10 days I have read 3 books - just like old days! All really good books - recommend them all.
Have done a couple more shifts at the garage for mum. Seems my going in has ruffled a few feathers with couple of the idiots she has working for her but do I care?! Nope! Its nice to think I'll be getting a bit of extra money at the end of the month. Although I'm really not looking forward to going back to work proper - think working a full week might kill me! I'm actually genuinely really REALLY not looking forward to going back to work. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy cheffing but I find the hours are a total killer, never getting a night off to see your mates, being permanently knackered & getting crap pay in return. I really want to stay in cheffing but I would prefer to be somewhere without split shifts or better still no evenings at all. In fact I am truly giving serious thought to quitting & working full time for Mum - I'd get paid hourly so at least if you work a million hours a week your pay packet reflects it and no more (well very few) evenings so I'd get to see my mates again. Think I ought to go back to the Billy though and at least see what the new people are like, they might be wonderful & it all be loads better but I cant see it! I don't know what to do! Would appreciate some advice! I went into Exeter on Friday and got my hair done - had it dyed darkish brown all over with a few caramel slices through the top then had a 'tidy-up' cut; just had my layers sorted out & a bit more shape around my face (so no fringe!) Looked really nice until I came out the coffee shop and got caught in a heavy rain shower then it looked like I'd been swimming! Met up with Nat and had a couple coffees while we discussed how ill we'd both felt on Sunday after our night out and how we were never drinking again...hmm...can't see it myself! We went to Torquay yesterday to go to Primark - classy shopping! Nat needed summery stuff since she's off to Egypt for a month on Saturday. Shes doing a Nile cruise, scuba driving in the Red Sea, WindSurfing, being somewhere hot...lucky cow! Hope she has a good time, hopefully will be out this week before she disappears although hopefully not getting as trashed as last weekend.So that's it for the last week, not very exciting but that's life!
Busy doing...
Today I have had the laziest day I've had in absolutely ages! I had no reason to get up so didn't set my alarm & woke up at about 10am. I then lazed in bed for an hour or so, reading my book, before I finally made it out of bed only to get as far as the sofa (still in my PJ's!) where I stayed watching the new Harry Potter on DVD & reading my book til about half three. By then I really did feel it was time to get motivated so I had a bath & eventually made it back downstairs washed & dressed at 4.30pm! Disgusting aint it?!?! Just thought I'd share it with you!
I haven't been spending every day like this since the pub shut, don't worry! In fact I've been doing a few hours at the garage for mum; bit less stress for her, bit more money for me.
I went out on Saturday night - first time in ages. Me & Nat went into town for a drink or two...well a bottle of wine or two! It was a messy night I can tell you! Its all a bit hazy but I think we had a good time...I certainly hope we did anyway otherwise it means my hangover was all in vain! Is it just me or as you get older do your hangovers get worse?! I'm sure I used to be able to go out, get trashed & still function the next day, maybe a bit of a headache but not the gut-wrenching-head-throbbing thing that I experienced on Sunday morning! I'm never drinking again....well not for a day or two anyway.
I'm looking forward to Clare getting home from Uni. She's just finished 'The Big-D' and is due back in Devon in a week or two. Me, Clare & John are hopefully going out for something to eat & a few drinks. There's a tapas place in Exeter that I want to try out so hopefully we'll be going there before I head back to work.
I mentioned just now my Harry Potter DVD. Well, it is BRILLIANT! Everyone should see it! Even if you've never read the books the films stand alone as absolutely fantastic (altho I would recommend reading the books too!) It would make more sense to obviously watch the first 3 films before watching the latest installment but the choice is yours! However the best thing about my DVD is ... I had it two days before it went on general release in the UK! I ordered my copy from ages ago. I expected it to arrive yesturday or today since it was released on yesturday but when I got home from the garage on Saturday it was already here!! I was SO excited! I can safely say is better than cd-wow - John is STILL waiting for his copy of Constant Gardener from cd-wow (it went on release 13th March...still nothing from cd-wow!!) He was so not impressed that I got my DVD early when his didn't even arrive on time! But seriously Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire = Best HP film yet!
Forward planning to the extreme...
I am known to be a planner (not always do my plans come to anything but still!) but I think things may have got extreme! Mine & Johns (my best mate) birthdays are only 3 weeks apart and we are but 2 1/2 years away from 25 years old so we have decided we want to book a villa somewhere hot for two weeks at the end of October 2008 to celebrate our joint quarter-of-a-century birthdays! Now, this may not seem too extreme but we have already searched for potential villas/flights/car hire!!! Obviously the websites are not as forward planning as we are (you can only book 2007, we need '08!) but its given us an idea of price etc! A bit worrying really isn't it?! Then again, I'm going to need the 2 1/2 years to save for it!On 'other news' I'm pocketing myself a bit of extra money this month as I'm going to work a few shifts for my Mum at one of the garages over the next 2 weeks - money straight onto the debt. Oh, and I'm rediscovering my social life (admittedly it's likely to be purely temporary but I'll enjoy it while it lasts!) John stayed over last night for a DVD & Snacks catch up day which was cool & I'm off out with Nat on Saturday night for a drink (or two!) ;-) Imagine that it may be a bit of a late one so Mums only put me in the garage from lunch time on Sunday - she didn't think she could subject the poor customers to the sight of a hangover me first thing in the morning!
Still got a job!
So I've been in for another meeting with the new owners at work this morning and they want to keep me! Yay! So now I have a further 3 1/2 weeks off (on full pay!) before I go back to work ready for the opening on the 10th April. They still have to look at menus & rotas & stuff before they finalise our contracts so I'm still not sure on hours & wages but at least I can stop worrying about whether or not I ought to be scouring the job pages!
The weather is doing my head in at the minute - it's so miserable. All cold & wet. Totally uninspiring & hardly encouraging me to get my butt outside & start some serious training for the Race For Life. I have done 30minutes on the cross trainer this morning (all nice & warm in front of the tv!) but I need to do some road work, even just walking, to get me ready. COME ON SUNSHINE!!! Anyway I definitely need to do something - I jumped on the scales this morning...not good! Having a week sat on my arse doing nothing has not done me any favours!
So gotta get up & get moving, burn some calories & get rid of a few inches me thinks!
3-4 weeks paid leave...or possible redundancy...who knows?
So had a meeting with the new owners at work on Wednesday and don't really know any more now than I did this time last week!
We (the remaining full time staff - all 5 of us!) arrived at work for the 11am meeting and it felt SO weird. We were all shown through into the bar area & asked to wait while the new people finished another meeting that had run over. So there we are sat in a building we normally make other people feel comfortable in feeling so UNconfortable! They didn't even offer us a coffee while we waited! (o BTW for anyone who doesn't know - I work as a chef in a gastro pub/bistro place!) So eventually we all move through to the restaurant to meet the Newbies. They introduced themselves (didn't bother asking us who was who but there we go!) and then their legal person basically told us that they were going to shut for 3-4 weeks to carry out a refurb & a full business review including staffing levels. We are gonna be paid for the time that they're closed but hell, we may just be redundant as they're going to write to us to let us know! Talk about putting our minds at rest ... not!
So now I'm just waiting for a letter telling me what's happening...should I be job hunting or just enjoying having a few weeks to my self?
AAARRRGGGHHH!!! Sorry, but the not knowing is so bloody frustrating!!
Its March...
So its march and i am making progress all be it slowly. I have pulled my head out of the sand regarding my debts and am doing my best to budget & live off my tips from work as best i can. I'm also trying to eat properly & exercise more. In fact I have signed up to do the Race for Life in June in aid of cancer research. so got a plan of attack to make sure i dont keel over on the day.
My job is causing me a few problems though...we have new people taking over at work and everything is up on the air as to whether or not any of the staff will have jobs when they come in. We were meant to be having a meeting with the new owners this afternoon but its been put back to tomorrow although we dont know why. its just always waiting...the not knowing is killing me. With my debts being out of work is really not an option.