Well this makes a change – I actually DID stuff this weekend! Well, not during the day time admittedly but still!
Friday night I entrusted my car to Bill and Dad to take on a 12 Car (basically a road rally) Dad has been trying to find a travel sickness cure so he can get back to navigating and this was his first test of some new pills. Mum, Caz, Courtenay and James (more about him later!) signed up as marshals and I decided to ride in the back of my car with Bill and Dad. There was some intricate plotting taking place in the pub – not an easy route to plot. Turned out there were only three cars competing which is shockingly bad really. We started well (except for the very loud scraping, crunching noise from the underside of the car about 100yrds from the start!) Dads’ navigating is so good, I really wish I was even half as good as him but we can look at the same section on a map and I just don’t see what he does. His problem is the needing to throw up and sure enough no more than 20minutes in and we had to make a hasty stop. We tried once more but didn’t get very far before once again Dad was out and heaving in a hedge. It was pretty obvious we were fighting a losing battle so we let the next control know we were giving up and then made our way (much more sedately!) to where Mum was marshalling next. We then pootled back to the pub were it was all due to finish and Bill had said “At least now we wont do anymore damage to TAs car!” I did warn him not to tempt fate and sure enough we drove serenely up to the pub and Bill nearly drove straight into a VERY big tree in the middle of the carpark since he was looking at something else!!
It is a real shame that Dad gets so sick since he enjoys the navigating so much and he’s really really good at it. It’s also bloody ridiculous that the club events are so poorly supported. I mean, 3 cars for a 12 car and two of the marshalling teams were supplied by us (Mum & Co and then Marion & Steve who are friends of Mum & Dads) We did say to Bob, the motor club chairman, that they need to get the website sorted out – make sure the events calendar is up to date and the events actually run, get some new photos on their, some stories from members; anything to catch peoples eye. His retort was that new people were more likely to turn up to a gymkhana than a 12 Car but we said that they’re not going to turn up to anything if it’s not on there or if the calendar looks empty. If they arrange lots of stuff and have a good mix of events then people are going to think it looks like a good club that knows what it is doing thus making it worth while getting involved. I get the feeling it probably fell on deaf ears but we’ll see.

Saturday night me and Courts had tickets for the Rocky Horror Show at the Princess Theatre Torquay. We decided not to dress up (we didn’t really have time to plan outfits since I only booked the tickets on Friday!) When we got down there I realised I had forgotten to get any cash out so I only had £10 on me that needed to cover parki

ng, programme and a drink! It just scraped it although I should have forgone the two drinks and got one bottle to share and the better programme but never mind! We did wish that we had dressed up when we saw everyone but there were plenty of people not dressed up.
The show itself was absolutely brilliant. Christopher Biggins was the narrator and Frank ‘n’ Furter was played by David Dedella (the guy who played Carlos, Trisha’s boyfriend in Holby City)! There was lots of audience participation with shoutbacks and people singing along and obviously everyone standing up to do the Time Warp! The first half was marred a bit by the fact we had two really tall guys in front of us so we couldn’t see half the time but in the secon

d half they had a re-shuffle with their friends we could see! They did God-knows how many curtain calls at the end before doing the Time Warp again and by the time we made our way out our hands were hurting from clapping them so much! I really want to go and see it again now! Actually I did watch the DVD on Sunday!!
Other than my DVD watching Sunday wasn’t very exciting – I read, played on the tinterweb, bought a dress on Ebay (by accident – I put on a really low bid thinking I would never get it…but I did!) then had an early night since I was fighting to keep my eyes open watching TopGear.
Oh – about James, mentioned earlier. When I got home on Friday I discovered that we had a year 10 boy staying with us since things have kicked off at home for him and he had nowhere else to go…all a bit odd really since it was arranged though Social Services but I won’t go into details on here. Christ, makes me sound a bit more important than I ever will be doesn’t it – like people are going to be trawling my blog for suspicious government goings-on!!! Anyways, he’s likely to be with us until Tuesday at least.
Worked an 8-6 today to make up for messing up my hours last week and am doing the same tomorrow as I had 2 hours off on Friday for an appointment then back to my 8-4’s Wednesday – Friday this week. Got something planned every weekend for the next couple of weeks; Holiday on Ice this weekend, Major Business Convention next week then the South West Enduro rally the week after (although I am not 100% sure whether I am going to that since Dad has told Steve he can go but hasn’t checked if we have two or three seats in the van. He is going to have to find out this week since I have time booked off work and I don’t really want to lose two days holiday if I’m not going to be going anywhere.)